Strategic Agenda

To promote Freight Forwarding as a career by ensuring its integration in tertiary education curriculum in Nigeria.

To acquire suitable administrative/corporate office for CRFFN.

To address capacity building of staff to help deliver on Council’s mandate.

To define the minimum standard of qualification required to practice Freight Forwarding.

To develop a comprehensive Register of all Freight Forwarders in Nigeria in a one step data base.

To embark on massive and effective awareness campaign on overall mandate of the Council.

To ensure Strict compliance to enabling laws establishing the Council.

To promote enabling entrepreneurial environment for Freight Forwarding business, thereby creating employment opportunities for teaming Nigerias.

To embark on rigorous research to enable the Council benchmark Freight Forwarding in Nigeria with international best practices.

To make the Council an international training hub for Freight Forwarding, logistics and supply chain management.

To develop a comprehensive Freight Forwarding policy and to re-position the sub sector.